Thursday, April 3, 2008

So far away you are in my memory
I wish it wasn't true
I wish I could remember every sight, smell and sound
Your a dream
I know its true
I never met you
Ghana, I never knew you
Please remind me
Pass by me in the cold wind of Canada
Whisper to me all your secrets that I once knew
I'm begging to feel your hand clutched in my own
I promise if you show yourself to me again I will never forget
Until then, I'll read the pages of my journal, I'll feel the softness of the cloth I bought
I'll cherish the photos I've taken
Until then I'll cling to every memory of you


Unknown said...

I am a Ghanian who lives in London. I read your post and it has inspired me. We need more people like you willing to give up their time. Thank you so much. You are really blessed, and Well Done, you really opened my eyes.

Caitlin Currie said...

Wow Ellie,

Thanks for reading my blog and commenting. Its inspiring to myself to know that these little words I have written down are being read around the world.

Thank you,