Monday, February 28, 2011

An Ode to My Armpit Hair

We’ve been together for a couple of years now and so often I find myself hiding you in shame. I haven’t been fair to you, you deserve much more than dark moist corner I’ve left you in. This is a celebration of your existence.

10 reason why I won’t shave the hair under my arms

1) You’re environmentally friendly

2) According to my deodorant, you smell cool & fresh

3) You challenge traditional concepts of femininity

4) You make my folks cringe

5) You encourage competition between my friends

6) You give me a head start for Movember

7) You’re sexy

8) You keep me warm during the cold winter nights

9) You scare away undesirable suitors

10) You make me feel good

Despite the fact that you result in stares from both strangers and friends, you will happily stay under my arms.

Photo Cred: Jonathon Robinson

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